The Casa de Mateus Foundation organized, with the Casa de Mateus International Institute, a reflection meeting on Portugal, on 29, 30 April and 1 May 2011.

This meeting preparation started in 2010 and brought together important foreign and Portuguese personalities of professional life developed outside the country, who shared, with a platform of politicians, businessmen and scholars resident in the country, their perception of what is, what can be and how it can sustain Portugal.

The aim of this initiative is to foster a discussion of long-term trends and contribute to the production of a framework where, in the future, conceives new public policies, benefiting from a double view: the speakers about Portugal and the Mateus view of the Capital.

In the spirit of the seminars "Repensar Portugal" organized by the Foundation in 1978, 1995 and 1996, we believe that this can be an opportunity to contribute to a necessary debate for a complex challenges that Portugal faces.


Presentation and Agenda

Opening Texts:
PensandoRe Portugal - Jorge Vasconcelos
"Histoire du Portugal par Coeur" by Almada Negreiros read by Alinea B. Issilva
2 crossed views  – Teresa Albuquerque
Small Guide to Rethinking Portugal –14 ideas to rethink Portugal, published in the supplement P2 of Jornal Público on May 24, 2011

Joined in 1978, 1995 and 1996, in the Casa de Mateus, to "rethink Portugal". The group, in part renewed, met between April 29 and May 1, 2011. José Gil, Jorge Vasconcelos, Miguel Poiares Maduro, Ricardo Reis and Teresa Albuquerque identify the essential issues of the debate ...

- "Small Guide to Rethinking Portugal" - Jorge Vasconcelos
- "We are looking for our size, the size of Portugal" - José Gil
- "The University will help to internationalize the Portuguese economy" - Miguel Poiares Maduro
- "Less productivity and now also older" - Ricardo Reis
- "We are all ambassadors of anything that escapes us" - Teresa Albuquerque

• Statement by Eduardo Lourenço
• Statement by Filipe Ribeiro de Menezes
• Statement by Dr. Rui Vilar
• Statement by João Vale de Almeida
• Statement by Nuno Lacasta
• Statement by Jürgen Bock
• Statement by Diogo Vasconcelos