The Casa de Mateus Foundation is associated with the project of the Douro Generation, an association for the development "Douro em Movimento - Aldeias com Vida", through the program "Caminhos de Mateus", a program of musical activities that includes a set of concerts of ancient and baroque music of composers from Portugal and Latin American countries.

This cycle, which begins on the 21st of October, will explore the intense relations between ancient and baroque music in Portugal and in Ibero-American countries. It will be presented by its Artistic Director, Ricardo Bernardes, on September 16, in a Presentation at the press conference organized by the Douro Generation, which begins at 2:00 pm, at the Casa de Mateus.

Admission is free, but places are limited so it is recommended to confirm by email to:

Download "Caminhos de Mateus" program.


SALZEDAS · 21 of OCTOBER · 21:00

"Pontos de Encontro"
Americantiga Ensemble e Quarteto Atégina
“Os Caminhos da Música Espiritual entre a Europa e a América do Sul”

Douro Generation TV - vídeo


MATEUS · 22 of OCTOBER · 17:00

"Pontos de Fuga"
Quarteto Atégina
Quarteto de cordas (instrumentos de época)

Douro Generation TV - vídeo


TREVÕES · 23 of OCTOBER · 17:00

"Pontos de Partida"
Americantiga Ensemble
Quarteto vocal, violoncelo e teorba

Douro Generation TV - vídeo


MATEUS · 29 of OCTOBER · 17:00

Conference followed by a concert
Rui Vieira Nery
“Diálogos de culturas nas músicas antigas luso-brasileiras”
"Pontos de Encontro"
Americantiga Ensemble e Quarteto Atégina
“Os Caminhos da Música Espiritual entre a Europa e a América do Sul”

Douro Generation TV - vídeo


PROVESENDE · 30 of OCTOBER · 17:00

"Pontos de Encontro"
Americantiga Ensemble e Quarteto Atégina
“Os Caminhos da Música Espiritual entre a Europa e a América do Sul”

Douro Generation TV - vídeo