Sara Bizarro

Sara Bizarro has a PhD in history of Philosophy from the University of Lisbon’s Philosophy Department earned in 2004. She also completed a Post-Doc in Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind and was a visiting scholar at New York University, Tulane University and Rutgers University. She taught several classes at Lisbon University both at an undergraduate and graduate level in the areas of Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science. She participated in numerous international conferences, including conferences organized by the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology and Towards a Science of Consciousness, among many others. She has published several papers, book chapters and book reviews in philosophy of mind and other topics, including the philosophy of mind chapter "Filosofia da Mente", Filosofia, Uma Introdução por Disciplinas, Edições 70, 2012; “Acting and the Self”, Altered Self and Self Experience, Eds. Alexander Gerner & Jorge Gonçalves,Nordersledt, 2014, "A Hertzian interpretation of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus", Eidos, n. 13, 2010 and several book reviews on the journal Disputatio, among others.
Her current research interests changed from Philosophy of Mind to Political Philosophy and questions of Social Justice. She is currently working on a book about Basic Income and is part of the Basic Income (RBI - Rendimento Básico Incondicional) movement in Portugal. - See more at: