Ramón Villares

Ramón Villares (1951) is Full Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Santiago de Compostela since 1987 and Chairman of Council for Galician Culture since 2006. Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela (from 1990 at 1994), since 2006 he is full member of the Royal Galician Academy. Director of over twenty doctoral thesis, he has participated in numerous committees evaluating research projects. He has Honorary doctorates from the universities of Buenos Aires (1992) and Minho (2015)

He is the author of numerous publications, among which are books like La propiedad de la tierra en Galicia, 1500-1936 (Siglo XXI Editores, Madrid, 1982), Foros,frades efidalgos.Estudos de historia social de Galicia (Edicións Xerais, Vigo 1982), Galicia. A Historia (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 1984), Figuras da nación (Edicións Xerais de Galicia, Vigo, 1997), El mundo contemporáneo. Del siglo XIX al XXI (Editorial Taurus, Madrid, 2001, 2ªed.2012), Fuga e retorno de Adrián Solovio. Sobre a educación sentimental dun intelectual galeguista (Fundación Otero Pedrayo / Real Academia Galega, 2007) and Luis Seoane, entre Galicia y la Argentina (with Fernando Devoto) Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires, 2012. He is the author, along with Javier Moreno Luzon, of Restauración y dictadura which it is within the collection Historia de España (Critica/Marcial Pons) that it is co-directed with Josep Fontana.