Octávio Sacramento

Octávio Sacramento: Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Master in Sociology of Culture and Lifestyles (Universidade do Minho) and PhD in Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL). Assistant Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal), researcher at the Centre of Transdisciplinary Studies for Development (CETRAD-UTAD), external researcher at Investigation Center in Social Sciences (CICS-UM) and collaborator of the Network Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA-IUL). Its main research experiences include ethnographic fieldwork on female prostitution in the Iberian border regions, on HIV/AIDS in the Northeast of Portugal, on Euro-Brazilian touristic/migratory mobilities and transnational configurations of intimacy, and, more recently, on women beneficiaries of social insertion income in the Douro region (Portugal). [octavsac@utad.pt]

CV Degois: http://www.degois.pt/visualizador/curriculum.jsp?key=4641782651459817