Cristina Benedita Garcia

Choreographer and Stage director, she graduated in Contemporary Dance, Physical Theatre and Voice for Esc. Sup. Dança- IPL and European Dance Development Center / ARTEZ-Institut of Arts, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

She develops Release Techniques, Body-Mind Centering, Contact Improvisation, Presence, Power, Body and Voice in hybrid projects, collaborating with artists of Performing Arts in Portugal, Spain, Belgium, England, Holland, Germany and Brazil.

She studied music at the National Conservatory of Lisbon. Master of Communication Sciences, specialization in Communication and Arts of FCSH_UNL, and is PhD student in the same course and institution.

Research Unit: Communication and Languages Studies Center (CECL) -Faculdade of Social and Human Sciences, Nova-New University of Lisbon (FCSH_UNL).

The Artistic Creation and Body Place, Memory and New Emerging Languages Non-verbal and Verbal are topics that interest her, crossing them with philosophical knowledge linked to the body.