Andrés Torres Queruga

Born in Aguiño – Ribeira, Galicia, in 1940, he is a theologian and Galician writer.

Doctor in Theology from the Gregorian University (1973) and in Philosophy from the University of Santiago (1985). He was professor of Philosophy of Religion at the University of Santiago until 2010. He retired in 2015, devoting himself to the study and to the continuation of his oral and written work.

He is a member of the Royal Galician Academy since 1980 and Former Member of the “Consello de Cultura Galega”.

He was awarded the following prizes: “Crítica de Ensaio” in 1977 and 1985; Galician Egrexio, 1994; Research Prize Losada Diéguez, 1996; Trasalba prize (Otero Pedrayo), 2003.

He founded and directed the: ” Encrucillada. Galician Journal of Christian Thought”. He is member of the Editorial Board of “Iglesia Viva”, the “Portuguese Journal of Philosophy” and the international journal Concilium.

He has taught courses and delivered numerous conferences in several countries in Latin America (especially Brazil and Mexico), Portugal and Italy.

He has an extensive published work. He collaborated in numerous collective publications and published numerous articles in national and international journals.