Eric Hertzler

Eric Hertzler

Eric Hertzler, is a global educator graduated in Economics and Management from Ecole Normale Supérieure Cachan and in Law from University Aix-Marseille; Panthéon-Assas, and Leyden University (Netherlands). He is currently the Head of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics and Management at University Paris Est Créteil and the Head of two Masters programs in Management at Eiffel School of Management (IAE Eiffel). He was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley and visiting professor in programs in Economics and Management in many universities across the world. 

He has 20 years of experience in Higher Education and he is passionate about change and the cross cultural issues of the Globalization”

He has 20 years of experience of teaching Law, Economics and Management, on field working experience in Brazil, Belgium and California. He mentored students in internship and apprenticeship for more than 15 years in SMEs and top 500 companies around the world. His fields of interest are Markets of Higher Education, Regional Integration, International Management, Strategy, Corporate Law and Cross Cultural Issues. He published Principles of Management 1 and 2 at Pearson Education.